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Re: [knue] using tabindex with &build_select_field
i looked at page source and saw this:

<SELECT NAME="Memorabilia[/url]"," tabindex=27"[/url] MULTIPLE SIZE=Memorabilia[/url]>SIZE isn't working because it's set to 'Memorabilia'

tabindex shouldn't be in quotes and the elements in SELECT statement should be separated by spaces instead of comma. i will look at the build routine and tell you how to fix.


try this so tabindex won't be in quotes by the $tab value is:

if ($tab) { $where = ' tabindex=' . $tab; }
if ($tab) { $where = qq|tabindex="|;
$where .=$tab;
$where .= qq|"|;

then change

<SELECT NAME="$column","$where">

<SELECT NAME="$column" $where>

also change the line like the above with MULTIPLE

note there is a space between $column" and $where

please check to be sure the order of the arguments you're passing to the sub build is the same as
my ($column, $value, $name, $size, $tab) = @_;

Last edited by:

delicia: Dec 28, 2015, 11:05 AM

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