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Re: [webmaster33] Related Links & Categories
Users could suggest categories to be related to a category. Only those categories will show up as related category on a category page, which got more than X minimum votes.
Also a relation ranking could be possible based on this.

Very good idea webmaster. Its like have the public as another editor (just a little less direct control). I'd like to promote my site as a user/suggestion driven site, making it "thier site". When you go to a major search engine you are dictated to, on how it is to be (no say at all on structure etc).

I love the idea of related links also. I already have 6+ instances of the same links throughout my directory due to the nature of taxonomy/directory classification. It just makes sense to have this, and this is not unwanted duplication either. The problem is when someone writes a review or votes or clicks on one of the instances of the link, it only changes one of them, and not all of them (when I think it should!). If someone liked a link in one category, why wouldn't they like a link in another?

Your extended plugin is sounding very good webmaster.

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sooke: May 14, 2002, 8:16 AM

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