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Re: [Paul] Hook Arguments

That's a little piece of magic that might help!

Edit: so $args[0]->{CategoryID} would return the value for categoryID if it existed in the peice of code that called it? I think am still a little confused.

Edit 2: when I look through the hooks.cfg, I notice that this particular hook that is troubling me takes a HASH in, and a SCALER out. Is this something that would affect how I find my value (CategoryID in this case) out of @args?

'modify_category' => [
'subroutine' => 'Links::Category::modify',
'hook_name' => 'modify_category',
'filename' => '(eval 4)',
'input_params' => [
'output_params' => [
'description' => '',
'line' => '8',
'path' => './Plugins'

Links Plugins

Last edited by:

Ian: Jun 4, 2002, 1:44 PM

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