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Re: [yogi] PageBuilder Plugin
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I might make an option for the automatic building.

For me I think it is a must. I also have your links forum plugin so that make three synchronizing steps for each link addition... A bit confusing sometimes.

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Could you elaborate more on the "bread crumb" and the "second" link page?

It should work like this: if you have a "link" page, and this page has father pages (i.e. pages higher up in the hierarchy) that are also link pages, the breadcrumb should be fine. It does not work if you have "simple" page, which has a "link" page as father page (because that does not make sense in my opinion).

I have a second detailed page that has a link bread crumb. I would like to be able to go to the next and previous link page in the category just like on a regular detailed page. This also is a must for me. We already have over 2000 links and I would like the browsing to be as smooth and quick as possible.

Hey, I really hate having to even ask my clients for paying me when I always try to give them the best I got.

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nt6: Jun 24, 2002, 1:11 PM

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