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HOWTO: Adding RSS feeds to your forum
We frequently get asked about how to create RSS feeds for gforum, so here's a quick howto for adding RSS feeds to your forum:
  1. Add an rss.xml template to your default template set. Here's a sample one from our list archive:
    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="iso-8859-1" ?><%rss_feed%><%if rss_error%>Ooops: <%rss_error%><%else%>
    <rss version="2.0">
    <%loop forum_loop%>
    <title><%xmlrss($cat_name)%> | <%xmlrss($forum_name)%></title>
    <description>Mailing List Archive by Gossamer Threads</description>
    <link>http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/<%list%>/<%lc forum_name%>/</link>
    <copyright>(c) Gossamer Threads Inc. All rights reserved.</copyright>
    <title>Gossamer Threads | <%xmlrss($cat_name)%> | <%xmlrss($forum_name)%></title>
    <link>http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/<%list%>/<%lc forum_name%>/</link>
    <%loop post_loop%><item>
    <link>http://www.gossamer-threads.com/lists/<%list%>/<%lc forum_name%>/<%post_id%></link>
  2. Add the following globals:
    sub {
    my $forum_id = $IN->param('forum_id');
    if ($forum_id !~ /^\d+$/) {
    return { rss_error => "Invalid forum id." };
    my $forum_group_table = $DB->table('ForumGroup');
    if (!$forum_group_table->count(GT::SQL::Condition->new('group_id_fk','=','100','forum_perms','>=','3', 'forum_id_fk','=',$forum_id))) {
    return { rss_error => "You are not allowed to view this forum." };
    my $Category = $DB->table('Category');
    my $Post = $DB->table('Post');
    my $Forum = $DB->table('Forum');
    my $count = $IN->param('count');
    $count = 10 unless ($count and $count =~ /^(5|10|15|25|50|100)$/);
    my $format = $IN->param('format') || 'topics';
    $format = 'topics' unless ($format and $format =~ /^(topics|posts)$/);

    my @forums;
    require GForum::Forum;
    require GForum::Post;
    my $forum = $Forum->select( { forum_id => $forum_id } )->fetchrow_hashref;
    if (! $forum) { return { rss_error => "Unknown forum." }; }
    $forum->{cat_id} ||= $forum->{cat_id_fk};
    $Post->select_options('ORDER BY post_time DESC', "LIMIT $count");
    my @post_ids;
    if ($format eq 'topics') {
    @post_ids = $Post->select( 'post_id', { forum_id_fk => $forum_id, post_root_id => 0 })->fetchall_list;
    else {
    # Ugh, MySQL picks the wrong index here.
    my $name = $Post->name;
    my $sth = $Post->do_query("SELECT post_id FROM $name USE INDEX (p_fmn) WHERE forum_id_fk = $forum_id ORDER BY post_time DESC LIMIT $count");
    @post_ids = $sth->fetchall_list;
    next unless @post_ids;

    $Post->select_options('ORDER BY post_time DESC');
    my $posts = $Post->select( { post_id => \@post_ids } )->fetchall_hashref;

    for my $post (@$posts) {
    GForum::Post::plain_text(\$post->{post_message}, $post);
    $post->{post_summary} = substr($post->{post_message}, 0, 150);
    $post->{post_summary} =~ s/[\w\d]*$//;
    $post->{post_rss_date} = GT::Date::date_get($post->{post_time}, "%dd% %mmm% %yyyy% %HH%:%MM%:%ss% -0800");
    $forum->{post_loop} = $posts;
    push @forums, $forum;

    my $cat_info = $Category->select( { cat_id => $forum->{cat_id_fk} })->fetchrow_hashref;
    my $rss_current_date = GT::Date::date_get(time, "%dd% %mmm% %yyyy% %HH%:%MM%:%ss% -0800");
    return { forum_loop => \@forums, %$cat_info, rss_current_date => $rss_current_date };
    sub {
    my $review = shift;
    $review = GT::CGI::html_escape($review);
    $review =~ s/\n/ /g;
    $review =~ s/\r/ /g;
    $review =~ s/ / /g;
    $review =~ tr/\x91\x92/'/;
    $review =~ tr/\x93\x94/"/;
    $review =~ s/\x95/&#149;/g;
    $review =~ tr/\x96/-/;
    $review =~ s/\x97/--/;
    $review =~ s/^\s+|\s+$//g;
    return $review;
  3. Add a new action to give access to this page. Go to the admin => Setup => Actions => Add action => rss, with the page=rss.xml
  4. Finally, add a link on your forum to the rss feed. It will have the format: gforum.cgi?do=rss;forum_id=<%forum_id%>


Last edited by:

brewt: Nov 22, 2007, 3:37 PM

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